Six Weight Loss Mistakes You Might be Making

Sometimes we hear from people who feel like they are doing all of the right things and not seeing the weight loss results that they want. There are many factors involved in weight loss and some are not in your control, such as your genetics, medical history, and medications. Other challenges include your economic status, work schedule, stress levels, and family food preferences. If these things sound familiar to you, know that weight gain or loss is not solely a matter of personal choice. However, for people looking for some things that they may be able to control, we have a few tips to consider.

  1. Not keeping track of what you eat. Keep a food journal. Apps are fine, but if you find yourself fixated on the numbers, you may prefer an old-fashioned pen and paper. Write down everything you eat for a week and take some time to review it. Are you surprised by anything? Did you learn anything about your habits? Sometimes, we do not have a clear understanding of our usual intake until we see it in black and white.
  2. Eating out too much. Cook more at home. As delicious and easy as restaurant or take-out food can be, chances are that the food you make at home will be lower in fat, sugar, sodium, and total calories. You will be able to see exactly what is going into all of your meals. Need ideas? Check out our recipe blog at
  3. Drinking your calories. Watch your drinks. If you are regularly including alcoholic or sugar-sweetened beverages in your routine, you are getting a lot of extra calories without any added satiety. Alcohol can also lower our inhibitions, making it more difficult to make healthy food choices.
  4. Skipping vegetables. Add more vegetables to your plate. Ideally, half of your plate should be filled with non-starchy vegetables. Most of us are not eating enough vegetables. A variety of colorful vegetables provides us with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and fiber. You can fill up on tons of vegetables with very few added calories.
  5. Doing the same exercise routine. Mix up your exercise. If you’ve been doing the same gym routine for years, it’s time to challenge your body. Increase your speed, resistance or incline, or add in strength training. Note, unless you are training intensely, you will not need to add additional calories back into your day.
  6. Eating while doing something else. Stop scrolling, watching TV and snacking. If you find yourself distractedly eating while scrolling on your phone or watching your favorite show, you may end up eating more than you need. Often those after-dinner chips are not a response to physical hunger, but more of a habit. Try to enjoy your food without distractions to tune into your physical hunger and satiety

If you are looking for more personalized advice for your unique situation, make an appointment with one of our dietitians.

By Amanda Thomas, RDN, LDN, Nutritionist and Writer for Athens Nutrition

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