Thinking Outside of the Lunch Box

Do you struggle with making school lunches?  We want to give our children healthy options, but we also want to be sure that they are going to eat what we pack!  As a mom of two young girls, reusable bento boxes have been a lifesaver for me this year!

The small compartments force you to think out of the box- using non-packaged foods and controlling portion sizes.  By reducing waste, the bento boxes are also environmental friendly.

As you choose foods to fill your child’s lunch box, remember the MyPlate Visual- ½ fruits/vegetables, ¼ protein, ¼ grain (preferably whole grain).

Here are examples of what my girls’ Bento boxes have looked like:

Bento box On the left: Sunflower seed butter (nut free classroom) on 100% whole wheat raisin bread, edamame, blackberries, whole grain pretzels and one Hershey kiss

Bento box On the right:  Peanut butter and jelly on whole grain bread, edamame, strawberries, whole grain pretzels, a Hershey kiss.

Other foods to try:

Proteins: white rotisserie chicken meat, whole grain pasta with meat sauce, hummus, nut butters, yogurt, cheese

Fruit: any fresh or dried fruit

Whole Grains: whole wheat pretzels, whole grain crackers like Triscuits, whole grain cereal, whole wheat pita bread, quinoa

For a beverage, include a reusable water bottle with the lunch box.

*The compartments are air tight so items will not leak from one compartment into another.


By Gretchen Skwer, RDN, LDN, Nutritionist with Athens Nutrition


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