Beating the “COVID-15”

By: Alexa Nichols

We can all agree that 2020 has been a tumultuous year so far. The COVID-19 pandemic has made us experience a range of emotions and adopt new daily lifestyles. With so much going on in the world today, it can be easy to not always prioritize a healthful diet. Spending days at home means more time near your pantry and maybe more takeout during the week than usual. The closing of gyms and studios all over the country could also mean that you are engaging in less physical activity. If COVID-19 quarantining has resulted in the “COVID-15” weight gain, you may find that personalized nutrition counseling with a registered dietitian can help you get back on track with sustainable lifestyle changes

While you may be tempted to try out one of the trendy diets you see on your Instagram feed, these are not sustainable for long-term weight loss or overall health and wellness. Many of those weight loss plans are too restrictive which can lead to weight regain and ongoing weight fluctuations. Most of these advertised weight loss plans are not formulated by licensed registered dietitian nutritionists and promise unrealistic weight loss goals. Working one-on-one with a registered dietitian can provide you with the personalized counseling that takes into account your individual needs and sets you up for long-term success. Many practices, including Athens Nutrition, now offer telehealth appointments where you can talk one-on-one with a registered dietitian from the safety and comfort of your own home. Registered dietitians will work with you to establish small, obtainable goals instead of taking an all or nothing approach which can often be discouraging.

We also know that counseling may not fit into your life at this moment, or it may not be for you. Don’t fret! We are able to offer some other solutions that can help no matter where you are with taking that step towards improving your health:

Keep healthier snacks in your cabinet

Whether you are working from home or are out of work, staying quarantined means your kitchen is just steps away. Without properly stocking your pantry and refrigerator with nutrient-dense foods you may be reaching for snacks filled with empty calories all day long. We recommend keeping fresh fruit, whole grain crackers, high-protein, low-sugar granola bars, and low-fat cheese and yogurt on-hand for easy snack options that are both satisfying and nutritious. 

Prioritize hydration

Adequate water intake can do wonders for your digestive system. Keeping a water bottle nearby is one way to stay accountable for proper hydration during the day. Infusing your water with fruits like lemon, fresh berries, can add great flavor without the calories to help you drink even more water instead of sugary beverages. Drinking water is a great way to stay energized and to support good kidney function.

Try out new recipes for home-cooked meals 

Check out recipe blogs on the internet for fun, healthy recipes that the whole family will enjoy. Cooking is a much healthier alternative to takeout since you are able to control everything that goes into the dish as well as portioning. Our very own Judy Matusky, RDN, LDN has a wonderful recipe blog for all skill levels. Head on over to to explore healthful and delicious recipes suitable for any meal!

Stream workout videos and go outside!

Who needs a gym when you have open floor space and the great outdoors! With some gyms closed and others open with restrictions, the living room has become a fitness center for many people. There are endless videos to stream online to help you incorporate movement into your daily routine during these times. If workout classes and instructors aren’t for you, take advantage of the gorgeous summer weather and go for a hike, swim, walk, run, or bike ride! On warmer days, aim to get out first thing in the morning or in the evening, and make sure to keep yourself well-hydrated. Moving your body is a great way to alleviate stress and boost your metabolism.

Check out free resources at

Information about the Athens Nutrition approach and our services is just a click away at our website. While you’re there, learn more about the Athens’ team and how to contact us to schedule an appointment today. Make sure to also check out the many free resources we offer right from our homepage. You’ll find everything from healthy, delicious recipes to nutrition tips. Simply click the links below to get started!

Alexa Nichols
Nutrition Assistant
Athens Nutrition

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