Gaining to Lose Weight

Why do you want to change your diet?  Why do you want to exercise more? 

The answers to these questions are the key factors to determining your success. 

Have you tried to lose weight before?  We have all been there: cutting calories, increasing our exercise to burn off what we ate that day… but let me guess, it didn’t work?

What if we changed our mental approach?  What if instead of focusing on what we are “taking away” or “losing”, we focus on what we are “adding” or “gaining”?

The key to a healthy diet is making sure that you are consuming an adequate amount of nutrients.  Consuming a nutrient-dense diet that is high in fiber, protein and fat, will result in balance.  Counting calories and eliminating certain foods or even entire food groups are not necessary approaches.  When we establish foods that we “can’t” have, our desire for these foods increases, eventually leading to a binge or a feeling of failure when we give in to our impulses.  Instead, focus on what you are adding to your diet. Things like vitamins and minerals.  We are nourishing our bodies, not punishing them.

Our reasons for exercising are equally as important.  An exercise regimen or goal will be less sustainable when weight loss is your primary goal.  Rather than focusing on the number on the scale and losing weight, try to focus on what you are gaining.  Are you getting stronger?  Are you giving your mind a break from the everyday stressors of life and work?  Exercise can also be a time to socialize with friends or quiet time by yourself.

Bottom line, our mentality is equally as important as our actions.  Focusing on the positives and the gains will lead to a more successful outcome. 

By Gretchen Skwer, RDN, LDN, Nutritionist at Athens Nutrition

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